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In the American College of Chest Physicians provided a
In 2013, the American College of Chest Physicians provided a guideline to the preoperative physiological assessment of patients being considered for surgical resection of lung cancer. It has been recommended that patients must be assessed by a multidisciplinary team before operation, regardless of a
This Ca overload activates the forward mode of the Na
This Ca2+ overload activates the forward mode of the Na+/Ca+ exchanger (NCX), increases the transient inward current (Iti), and induces ventricular arrhythmias due to delayed after depolarizations (DADs). Subtypes of CPVT Several subtypes of CPVT have been reported (Table 1). The most common typ
It is good to see any cluster randomised community trial
It is good to see any cluster-randomised ion channels trial of a handwashing intervention, much more a successful one. Globally there is considerable funding invested in handwashing promotion, yet the kind of rigorous study published in this month\'s issue of by Adam Biran and colleagues is rare i
If a structurally normal patient with
If a structurally normal patient with polymorphic VT/VF storm has a completely normal baseline ECG, the possible diagnosis includes CPVT and idiopathic VF. CPVT is an inherited disorder of intracellular Ca2+ handling, which can cause polymorphic VT/VF storms [10]. Abnormal SR Ca2+ release from defec
br Methods The study protocol was approved by
Methods The study protocol was approved by the ethics committee at Juntendo University Nerima Hospital. After informed consent was obtained, SBC measurement was performed using a blood sample from each participant. Plasma was separated from each sample immediately after collection by centrifugati
In an early meta analysis diagnosing cancer of the pancreas
In an early meta-analysis, diagnosing cancer of the pancreas by ERCP with the “double duct” sign had a sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 96%. In the present case, mild proximal CBD dilatation with an abrupt distal CBD stricture was detected by ERCP. The most common malignant cause of obstructiv
Besides the possibility of a tumor with spontaneous regressi
Besides, the possibility of a tumor with spontaneous regression seem not to be associated with tumor size, tumor number, the level of serum alpha-fetal protein presence or not of distance metastasis distance metastasis. Two common mechanisms of HCC with spontaneous regression were suggested: tumor h
Univariate analysis for overall survival
Univariate analysis for overall survival revealed that age (≤, >50 years), menopausal status, T-N stage, and histological tumor size were statistically significant factors for survival. Menopausal status was determined after two years of amenorrhea. In post-menopausal women, the disease-free surviva
El texto de Paz nos permite contemplar
El texto de Paz nos permite contemplar el estado como una experiencia poética y una experiencia vital. Esto se debe en gran parte al énfasis que se pone en el cuerpo azilsartan medoxomil lo largo de , y más propiamente en el cuerpo que avanza en el sendero de Galta. La caminata física y la creación
br Introducci n Las encendidas palabras de fray
Introducción Las encendidas palabras de fray Servando Teresa de Mier provienen del Discurso preliminar que acompaña la reedición de la Brevíssima relación de la destruyción de las Indias de fray Bartolomé de las Casas, publicado en México en 1812. Fray Servando no duda en calificar al dominico, l
La expedici n colombiana de Preuss fue
La expedición colombiana de Preuss fue patrocinada por la fundación que Joseph Florimont, duque de Loubat, había establecido para la Cátedra de Lingüística, Arqueología y Etnología Americanas. Igual que la Expedición al Nayarit (1905-1907), el viaje ARQ 621 Colombia (1913-1919) combina objetivos arq
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